Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Spin Success"...100% GUARANTEED!

God gave me something incredible today…a guarantee. He dropped a nice message in my lap that is almost too amazing to wrap my brain around.

The message…
God is performing miracles right here—in my time—and right before my eyes. His works are happening all around me but I can’t possibly understand them even if anyone were to explain them to me.
Derived from Acts 13:41

Very cool. What He just told me is that He guarantees that His works are present; but it requires my faith and belief to accept. Because even if I tried to use my own logic and reasoning to figure out “why things happen” and “how God could possibly spin ‘this mess’” I can’t! I’ll never know, according to Him! Boy, that takes some pressure off!

I don’t have to try to figure it all out in order to believe…I mean, faith isn’t really blind if you can see, right? It’s a daily exercise against our norm…a stretch of our souls to believe without understanding, just because “He says so.”

So I shouldn’t doubt. I shouldn’t question. I shouldn’t be cynical. It sounds so easy; but it sure isn’t easy for me! Basically he’s just saying, “No, no—keep your seat—allow me to clean up the mess and take care of everything!” When my husband says that it’s sure much easier for me to accept! (haha.)

So why the fight? Why the emotional turmoil? Why the struggle of thought? Someone (my buddy “Hunter”, in fact) once described God to me as “the Master of Plan B.” Wow—I love that. He’s the ultimate Spin Doctor! And He’s very clearly just told me to sit back, relax, believe, and allow him to spin my messes for me—guaranteed.

Thoughts to ponder…
How many times do you think that your own attempts at “spin doctoring” a mess have interfered with God’s work? Of course, He can just keep working because we certainly can’t prevent Him from anything…but do we get in the way sometimes by trying to “fix it” ourselves?

My personal challenge…
Oh, God, please help me! Please let me retrain my human mind to let go of the reigns and believe in your guarantees!

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